Greetings one and all! and no you didnt read that title wrong. I have already had one incident of hitting in my 6eme class. FML. anyway more on that in a second...
so I am in Antsirabe for the night to bank. I thought i was going to be able to get my debit card today but nooooooo. i have to get it in Tana, since thats where i signed up, even though PC had told us we would get it at our sites. so know i have to deal with the stupid checkbook, which i have to do all in french, for another 6 weeks til i go back to Tana. yuck. it takes forever to get out money with the checks. good thing i always have reading ,aterial on me or i may have lost it. then it was off to the post office, lunch (which took a ridiculously long time. they must have had a turtle making the food) and then to our hotel for some R&R. after this, its off to the grocery store. so exciting i know :)so this was my first full week of teaching and i would have to say it went well, minus the hitting thing. I love my 2nde class. they are smart, laugh along aith me when i goof up, and are willing to try new things. I think we are going to get along well. right now, we are reviewing the simple present grammer tense, greetings, and question words. fun times. my 6eme classes on the otherhand, are very hit or miss, depending on the class, the time of day, and what stage the moon is in. I consitently have to tell them to be quiet and I have my fair share of jokers who like to repeat everything i say, especially ahen i say things like 'silence' or 'be quiet'. one kid likes to say 'fermer la brouche' which means close your mouth in french (though i may have misspelled that). the classes are split roughly along age and the class with the joker is the oldest class. they cause me the most trouble, but not that much more. and we are only in week one so we will see what happens. my angry voice has made an apperance multiple times already. these kids are going to shave years off my life i swear. oh not to mention the CEG switched my schedule again so mow i teach there Tues morns from 730-1130, wed morn 930-1130 and kept the thurs 130-430. they are so disorganized. so the hitting....
The Lycee
so I am in Antsirabe for the night to bank. I thought i was going to be able to get my debit card today but nooooooo. i have to get it in Tana, since thats where i signed up, even though PC had told us we would get it at our sites. so know i have to deal with the stupid checkbook, which i have to do all in french, for another 6 weeks til i go back to Tana. yuck. it takes forever to get out money with the checks. good thing i always have reading ,aterial on me or i may have lost it. then it was off to the post office, lunch (which took a ridiculously long time. they must have had a turtle making the food) and then to our hotel for some R&R. after this, its off to the grocery store. so exciting i know :)so this was my first full week of teaching and i would have to say it went well, minus the hitting thing. I love my 2nde class. they are smart, laugh along aith me when i goof up, and are willing to try new things. I think we are going to get along well. right now, we are reviewing the simple present grammer tense, greetings, and question words. fun times. my 6eme classes on the otherhand, are very hit or miss, depending on the class, the time of day, and what stage the moon is in. I consitently have to tell them to be quiet and I have my fair share of jokers who like to repeat everything i say, especially ahen i say things like 'silence' or 'be quiet'. one kid likes to say 'fermer la brouche' which means close your mouth in french (though i may have misspelled that). the classes are split roughly along age and the class with the joker is the oldest class. they cause me the most trouble, but not that much more. and we are only in week one so we will see what happens. my angry voice has made an apperance multiple times already. these kids are going to shave years off my life i swear. oh not to mention the CEG switched my schedule again so mow i teach there Tues morns from 730-1130, wed morn 930-1130 and kept the thurs 130-430. they are so disorganized. so the hitting....
The hitting incident happened in my middle class, which is just a little bit older then they should be for the grade. I didnt see it happen, unfortunatly. i always walk around the room, to see how they are doing and the boy hit the girl when i was passed his row and was looking at the people across from him. i start to go down his row and i see this commotion so i go up and ask what happened. i got that the girl had been hit (in the face with a ruler if i understood correctly) but they pointed at 2 different boys, so i took both of them, plus the girl, to the office, cause my malagasy is not good enough to deal with that. plus the school has a lady whos job it is to discipline people. the girl and one of the boys eventually came back, but the one boy was still sitting in the office over an hour later when i finished teaching.
This week i also did a lot of cooking, making my english muffins and pasta a lot. and
looked through bridal mags! (thanks Jenn)! if anyone else wants to send me some bridal mags i am having a blast planning and thinking about different things (dont worry brian we will talk it all out. i just have ideas.) also any PB m&ms anyone wants to send my way would be much appreciated. oh and brown sugar. theres none here and my oatmeal just deosnt taste the same! well thats it for now. i will be checking my e-mail and posting again Turkey day weekend. Miss everyone!
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