Dear Friends,
This is my first blog of what I hope will be an actually blog. I have a horrible track record with things like this and I am hopin that this time I will actually follow through. If you don't already know I am leaving in 3 WEEKS from today to go to Madagascar for 27 MONTHS to teach english to middle/high school students. I should be back in September of 2012. Everyone start plannin my coming back party! hehehe. I will post more info on how to get in touch with me while I am literally halfway around the world (I seriously think that Madagascar is the furthest possible place from Seattle before you start getting closer again) when I get back to Seattle in 2 weeks so watch out for those instructions. I do know the best way to get ahold of me is through mail, so start savin stamps! I will post my address for my months of training and then once I get to my official teaching site I will post my permanent 2 year address. Just a reminder if you are in the Seattle area, on Saturday July 17th my parents are having a "Peace Out to the Peace Corps" party for me. It will be very casual and feel free to stop by anytime between 2-6pm. They wrote on thier e-vites no presents, but if you feel compelled I did just buy a Kindle...... syke you don't have to get me anything. Well this is all I have for now. I will post again soon!